We Care About the Safety of All Area Electricians.

National Safety Stand Down Week promotes sharing jobsite safety message

This week, crews on Austin area construction projects are encouraged to take some extra time to focus on jobsite safety as part of National Safety Stand Down Week. 

Initially scheduled to take place between May 4 and May 8, Safety Stand Down Week was rescheduled to Sept. 14 through Sept. 18 this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This annual event aims to reduce and eventually eliminate fall hazard deaths and injuries through collective awareness, education and conversation.

Each year since its inception, more contractors have become receptive to making sure the message of safety reaches the men and women who work on their job sites. 

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration describes Safety Stand Down week as a “voluntary event for employers to talk directly to employees about safety.” Although National Safety Stand Down week is focused on fall hazards, these toolbox talks can involve any safety-related conversations.

Safety Meeting - IBEW

By far though, the leading cause of death in the construction industry is falls. 

The most recent data revealed 338 out of 1,008 deaths (33.5 percent) in construction were caused by falls.

Falls frequently happen from ladders, scaffolding, heights and aerial lifts. Many times, falls can be prevented by following simple safety procedures.

While it can be easy to disregard certain safety measures related to lifts, ladders, baker scaffolds and other apparatus, those measures are put in place to ensure tradesmen and tradeswomen go home safely at the end of the work day.

Work Safe Austin proudly encourages area contractors to participate in National Safety Stand Down Week by hosting their own events to help keep their construction workers safe.

If you wish to learn more about OSHA’s Safety Stand-Down week, visit osha.gov/StopFallsStandDown/.

National Safety Stand Down Week promotes sharing jobsite safety message


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