We Care About the Safety of All Area Electricians.

Proper Protective Equipment needed on every jobsite

Work Safe Austin - Licensed Electricians

While emphasis is correctly placed on proper safety training in the construction industry, another way licensed electricians and other construction workers can stay safe is by using the proper protective equipment. 

Personal Protective Equipment, more commonly called PPE, plays a critical role in preventing numerous injuries.

Work Safe Austin, a grassroots initiative with a primary focus to promote and inform licensed electricians in central Texas about the importance of jobsite safety, strongly encourages all construction workers to wear the proper PPE while at work. 

For electricians, one of the most frustrating injuries can be a hand injury. 

Hand injuries can not only limit the type of work performed or the productivity level of an electrician, but if the injury is severe enough, it can also result in lost wages due to an inability to work. 

One way to protect your hands is by wearing proper safety gloves. 

Depending on the task, the proper glove can provide the needed protection, while still allowing you to perform your duties. 

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) rates safety gloves based on their ability to prevent cuts. 

Depending on the specific job, most electricians should wear either ANSI A2-A3 (light/medium cut hazards), ANSI A4 (medium cut hazards) or ANSI A5 (medium/heavy cut hazards) rated gloves. 

Work Safe Austin believes all construction contractors should provide employees with the proper PPE based on the assigned task to help reduce the risk of injury. 

If your contractor does not provide proper PPE such as gloves, safety glasses and harnesses, then contact Work Safe Austin to learn about what you can do to stay safe on your jobsite. 

Proper Protective Equipment needed on every jobsite


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