We Care About the Safety of All Area Electricians.

What is Work Safe Austin?

Individuals who support safe conditions on construction worksites

Work Safe Austin is a grassroots initiative with a primary focus to promote and inform licensed electricians in central Texas about the importance of jobsite safety. Since electricians frequently work with multiple other skilled tradesmen and tradeswomen, by extension, our goals often extend to most construction trades.

We believe all electricians have a right to safely complete their shift and should have the confidence to believe they will return home safely to their families at the end of every day. 

Oftentimes, injuries on construction jobsites are due to either a lack of safety equipment, improper safety training or contractors urging their employees to cut corners and place themselves and others in dangerous situations. Most of these problems are also tied to pressure or an interest in getting work done as fast as possible.

  • When safety is not a top priority, or worse, ignored, it leads to near misses, minor injuries, major injuries or even death.

    Work Safe Austin believes this is not acceptable.

All licensed electricians should receive industry-leading OSHA training, use proven safety equipment and follow all safety guidelines.

Work Safe Austin is also here to help licensed electricians in these uncertain times. As many contractors throughout the construction industry struggle with the added pressure and various issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to provide resources and assurance, so no worker feels like they are alone or forced into making dangerous decisions. 

Help is available for licensed electricians in central Texas, as resources are in place to ensure CDC guidelines are adhered to on construction jobsites.

From learning about how you can gain access to Workers’ Compensation insurance to finding contractors who believe in following all safety protocols, Work Safe Austin is ready to help all licensed electricians in central Texas work safer.

Contact Work Safe Austin

If you are a licensed electrician in central Texas and want to improve your working conditions or speak with someone who can answer your questions, fill out the contact form. One of our representatives will reach out to you shortly.