We Care About the Safety of All Area Electricians.

Severe winter weather in Texas postpones construction jobs

While snow in the winter is common in some parts of the U.S., central Texas is dealing with record breaking snow storms that have caused widespread power outages, bursting pipes and unbearable streets. The severe winter weather has not only affected people’s homes, but also put a halt on construction, suspending work to ensure worker […]

Proper Protective Equipment needed on every jobsite

While emphasis is correctly placed on proper safety training in the construction industry, another way licensed electricians and other construction workers can stay safe is by using the proper protective equipment.  Personal Protective Equipment, more commonly called PPE, plays a critical role in preventing numerous injuries. Work Safe Austin, a grassroots initiative with a primary […]

National Safety Stand Down Week promotes sharing jobsite safety message

This week, crews on Austin area construction projects are encouraged to take some extra time to focus on jobsite safety as part of National Safety Stand Down Week.  Initially scheduled to take place between May 4 and May 8, Safety Stand Down Week was rescheduled to Sept. 14 through Sept. 18 this year due to […]